Program 22
Test Grade
Create a test grade application that includes a text box for the user to enter a test grade and a Check Grade button that when selected displays "Good Job" for a test grade greater than or equal to 70. Be sure to include a change event procedure for the text box. Save as program 22. Hand in code and flowchart.
If Then Else
Modify the test grade application so that "Good Job" is displayed for a grade greater than or equal to 70 and "Study More" for a grade less than 70. Use the application interface you already created. Save as program 22. Hand in code and flowchart.
Else If Clause
An extension of the If block allows for more than two possible alternatives with the inclusion of ElseIf clauses. A typical block of this type is
If conditon1 Then
ElseIf condition2 Then
ElseIf condition3 Then
Modify the test grade application to display A for exam grades greater than or equal to 90, B for grades in the range 80-89, C for grades in the range 70-79, D for grades in the range 65 to 69, and F for all other grades. Only consider integer values. Be sure to include a change event procedure and an exit button. Save as program 22. Hand in code and flowchart. Use appropriate indentation.